Jeff Miller
for Arlington County Republican Chairman (2006-08)
Thank you for voting!
Saturday, March 11
Lyon Village Community House

(See details)

Thank you, Arlington Republicans!

I appreciate your vote of confidence at our canvass election today. I look forward to working with you over the next two years in building a stronger, more competitive Republican Party here in Arlington County. I also want to commend Landey Patton for his campaign and his valued contributions to our party.

Please visit our County GOP website at for information on upcoming activities and how you can get involved. Also, please mark your calendar and plan to attend our next County Republican Committee meeting on Wed., March 22, at the NRECA Building in Ballston (4301 Wilson Blvd. - see map).

Jeff Miller
Arlington County Republican Chairman

You can choose the next Chairman of the GOP here in Arlington!

More on the race: In the news:
Jeff Miller is your best choice to build a stronger, more competitive Republican Party in Arlington County:

Experience and commitment to Republican causes:

  • Member, Arlington County Republican Committee (1996-present)
  • Vice Chairman, Arlington County Republican Committee (2000-present)
  • Campaign and election worker in Arlington for Republican candidates and tickets (1996-present)
  • Political appointee, Reagan and Bush I administrations (U.S. Dept. of Transportation, 1981-91)
  • Member, Virginia Republican State Central Committee (2002-present)
  • Member, 8th Congressional District Republican Committee (2002-present)
  • Volunteer webmaster for local GOP committees (Arlington, Alexandria, Falls Church, 8th District, 11th District) and Republican candidates (Mike Lane, Mike Clancy, Bill Barker, Steve Sass, Beth Wolffe, Mike Peck, Edgar Gonzalez, John Baber, Landey Patton, Bill Cleveland)
  • Former president, Log Cabin Republican Club of Northern Va. (2001-02)
  • Delegate to 8th District Republican conventions (1996, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006) and Virginia Republican State conventions (2000, 2001, 2004)
  • Political appointee, Gov. Thornburgh administration (Pa. Dept. of Labor & Industry, 1980-81)

Leadership for building the Arlington GOP:

  • Recruit, train and support qualified Republican candidates for local office
  • Establish a broad-based Finance Committee to raise funds for local party activities
  • More active and visible role for the party on key local issues
  • Organize at the neighborhood/precinct level, with year-round activity
  • Create more volunteer opportunities for Committee members and party activists


  • Resident of Arlington (Court House), 1992-present
  • J.D., Dickinson Law School, 1978
  • B.A., Yale University, 1974
  • Born in Pittsburgh, PA, 1952
Cast your vote for a stronger GOP. Vote Jeff Miller this Saturday!
  • Date: Saturday, March 11
  • Time: 10 am - 2 pm
  • Where: Lyon Village Community House
        1920 N. Highland St. (just off Lee Hwy.)